Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government


Shop Local with C&F Cash Mob    Cash Mob Logo


Cash Mobs occur the third Saturday of the month at various businesses around the C&F Bank market area. Cash Mobs are designed to bring support and awareness to local businesses...because when we shop local, our economy and community win every time! The first few people to mob with us will receive a credit towards their purchase. Follow the Cash Mob Crew on Facebook and Instagram

Upcoming C&F Cash Mobs

Krave Donuts

Friday, November 15 | 9 - 11 a.m.
C&F Bank Brandermill | 13200 Hull Street Road | Midlothian

Krave Donuts will be stationed at the C&F Bank in Brandermill on Friday, November 15 from 9 to 11 a.m. As a special treat, the first 25 customers will receive $10 towards their purchase. Your support for this local business is truly appreciated!


Past C&F Cash Mobs 

Mama Kelly’s Market
Mama Kelly's Market
Jus Pop'n
Jus Pop'n

Early Bird

Early Bird Specialty Coffee Brunch Food Truck

City Point Ice Cream 2023

Coal Mine Coffee & Sweets


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