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Tech Requirements

Browser and Operating System Requirements

Minimum Requirements for Using Online Banking

Online banking is certified to work with the browsers listed below. Other browser versions might work; however, we can provide only limited system support unless a certified browser is used.

  • Windows 10 or higher
    • Microsoft Edge (latest version)
    • Google Chrome (latest version)
    • Mozilla Firefox (latest version)
  • Mac os 10.9 or higher
    • Apple Safari 11 or higher
    • Google Chrome

Minimum Requirements for Using Mobile Banking

Use the latest C&F Bank Mobile App compatible with your device or access using the latest browser version included by your mobile device manufacturer.

Internet Connection

For best performance, access online banking through a commercial-grade Internet Service Provider (ISP).

PDF Requirements

Adobe® Reader® is required to access documents being provided to you in PDF format (for example, eStatements). To access some PDF documents on our site, you may be required to use a later version of Adobe Reader. Download Adobe Reader for free.

Wireless Device Requirements

Wireless devices (such as cell phones) must be text-enabled in order to receive messages via the Alerts Service.

Legal Disclosure and Information

We recommend that you use the latest version of the browsers listed on this page, keep your security settings up to date and that you enable JavaScript. In certain circumstances, we may need to block certain browsers and software from accessing Online Banking and Mobile Banking due to possible security risks and may not be able to inform you in advance.

We do not test third-party software (such as aggregation software, browser extensions, plug-ins, or mobile apps) to determine compatibility with Online Banking or Mobile Banking.

Scheduled Maintenance

We are frequently upgrading our systems to bring you a better banking experience. During any of the mentioned scheduled weekly maintenance periods some of our services may not be available.

Personal and Business Online Banking Maintenance

  • Monday through Thursday 1:00 a.m. - 5:00 a.m. ET
Personal and Business Mobile App Maintenance
  • Sunday and Wednesday 10:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. ET

If we need to perform unscheduled or unplanned maintenance to our systems, we will notify you by placing a message at If you use our personal C&F mobile app, sign up for Alerts within the app.

(rev. 2/1/2024)

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